For those of you who joined me today, I mentioned the Savory Collection. It is truly one of the great hidden treasures of jazz. TLDR, Bill Savory was a sound engineer who made lots of recordings of live on air performances and jams that were actually really good sound quality and a couple of years ago his collection was unearthed and there is a TON of good stuff on there. For a really high-quality copy of the collection, look no further than the good foks at Mozaic who always do an amazing job and whose liner notes are the best around.
The National Jazz Museum in Harlem has some videos on YouTube about the man and his collection. Above is Part One - Who Was Bill Savory and here are links for more:
Part 2 - The Big Bands
Part 3 - The Jam Sessions
Part 4 - The Small Bands
Do yourself a favor and check out some of these recordings. In particular some of the live on air Count Basie stuff. Toweringly good!
I've been following the Savory story since it first appeared. Thanks for shining a spotlight on it here. And yes, from the three discs I have, the Basie material gets the most replay for me!